Monday, May 23, 2011

Armour Stone

Charcoal Palletized Armour Stone
1-2 man palletized armour stone.  Heights from 12"-16". 
Sold by full skid only
Availability: In Stock
Cost: $240/tons

Random Steps


Barrie Random Steps
Slightly weathered, light grey, limestone steps.  Fairly flat on top and consistant heights.
Availability: In Stock
Retail: $280/tons

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Armour Stone

Grey Creek - Armour Stone
In stock
Fairly consistant heights, grey with buff striations
Common heights: 12", 16", 24", 36"
Retail: $200/tons

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Landscape Rockery

Petrified Wood
We have small and large pieces of petrified wood that is millions of years old harvested from the petrified forest.
Retail price is $0.99/lb